How we work


We support the financial sovereignty and liberation of our individual and institutional partners.   

We imagine a world where development and marketing departments are not needed, and where resources are given without question. 

We are doing our best to make our vision a reality now by seeking out partners, developing relationships, learning about their opportunities and challenges, and finding the resources to support them.


Grant and report free giving

DSSF partners do not have to apply for grants or submit reports. Our partner institutions are under-resourced and overburdened by grant writing, evaluations, and report submission requirements, which take away time from their community work. We trust our partners to be the experts of their own economic conditions and steward resources in the service of their communities and peoples.


Direct giving

Black, Brown, and Indigenous organizers, activists, cultural workers and movement builders are chronically underpaid. Their work, care, and love is often undervalued and unsupported. As a result, they remain in cycles of poverty and economic insecurities. Therefore, DSSF makes direct payments to them, and does not restrict how the person uses the funds.


Multi-year giving

We give multi-year gifts to our partners. Long term support brings in assurance and time to do sustainable work from places of economic and job security. With multi year support, our partners are able to securely invest in dreaming and building their communities. Having seen how this has impacted our partners, we advocate strongly for multi-year resource commitments. ​​


Relational giving

Our approach is deeply relational. We move at the speed of trust and honor the asks of our partners. Upon invitation, we support our partners with necessary expertise that is beyond giving dollars.